Fake News

Victim Blaming By The LA Times



This morning, the LA Times published an article discussing the brutal massacre of American women and children in Mexico. Instead of outlining the dangers of the cartels, the LA Time chose to frame it this way:  

Let me ask… 

How is this any different from asking, “what was she wearing?” or “how short was her skirt?” when women are made victims of equally brutal crimes? 

These women and children who were victims of radical cartels, but instead of condemning the criminals who took these lives, the LA Times decided to blame them and highlight the skirmishes between the LeBaron family and the cartels. 

While this massacre is thought to be a random act of violence, according to the article, the crime was justified because “in 2009, family member and anti-violence activist Benjamin LeBaron was shot dead after speaking out against traffickers who kidnapped his brother for a $1-million ransom.” 

That’s what they count as a long, mutual history of violence? LeBaron family members being shot dead for speaking out AGAINST the cartels? 

This is just another example of a mainstream publication pushing its agenda over facts.

It really wouldn’t have been that hard to report the truth and acknowledge the victims of the Mexico Massacre, but instead, they chose to side with the cartels.

Truly incredible.

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