Netflix has a long history of releasing Christmas romcoms that become cult classics. Netflix is behind beloved and bizarre tales such as A Christmas Switch and...
Bostonians Casey Affleck and Matt Damon teamed up for an AppleTV crime comedy (crimedy?), The Instigators. The movie follows two low-to-mid level criminals attempting a heist...
Sabrina Carpenter recently released her music video for her song “Taste.” The video stars popular actresses Jenna Ortega and Sabrina Carpenter playing rival lovers to a...
The sequel to the classic film Twister was released in July to broad audience and critical appeal. Starring Glenn Powell (Top Gun: Maverick) and Daisy Edgar-Jones...
Recently Dreamworks announced that Shrek 5 is in the works with all of the original cast members returning. While not much is yet known about the...
Acclaimed author of the beloved Hunger Games book series, Suzanne Collins, announced that there will be a fifth installment to the series, Sunrise on the Reaping,...
Atlas released on Netflix over Memorial Day weekend. Starring Jennifer Lopez in the titular role, Atlas is set in a not-too-distant future where artificial intelligence (AI)...