Censorship Watch

Learn The Huge Conflict Of Interest With Kamala’s Communications Director



You may not know the name Nick Pacilio but I’m sure you know his work. Ever heard of shadow banning? Conservative censorship? Pacilio is your man. Pacilio is a Senior Manager of Communications for Twitter and works in the department who has already censored President Trump for “false information” even though his claims were no more false than any claims by any politico on Twitter. Especially those like Biden accusing Trump of racism and other unsubstantiated indictments. 

Kamala Harris wasted no time scooping up Pacilio to be her campaign Communications Director now that she’s cinched the de facto presidential nomination vice presidential bid. Conflict of interest much, Twitter? 

Nick Pacilio 

Twitter spokespeople told the National Review that Pacilio isn’t “in charge” of making those decisions. I don’t know about you but that doesn’t give me a lot of comfort. Just because he has a boss doesn’t mean he isn’t tangibly contributing to the decision making process or even just that he would have close friends and coworkers obviously looking to support his candidate.  

Big shock that the Biden campaign is already colluding with big tech to play dirty.

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