Fake News

BOMBSHELL: New Photos Of Bill Clinton With Epstein Victim Hits The News



On the eve of former President Bill Clinton’s much anticipated speech at the Democrat Snoozefest, new photos were published that prove that Hillary’s husband was in close contact with alleged Jeffrey Epstein victim Chauntae Davies.

The photos show Davies treating Bill to a massage. And if our media has any ounce of respect for us, they photos may inspire inquiry into President Clinton’s relationship with the known pedophile. 

(Of course, they won’t inquire, because they don’t want to know the truth.)

The newly released pictures were allegedly snapped in September 2002 in transit to a humanitarian trip in Africa. Clinton traveled on Epstein’s “Lolita Express” with Jeffrey and a number of his known associates, some of which, like Davies, have since accused him of horrific sex crimes. 

 while Clinton, Epstein, and others were in transit to Africa for a humanitarian trip in Epstein’s private plane — Lolita Express.


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