Fake News

BOMBSHELL: Trump Campaign Reveals Evidence For Widespread Voter Fraud In Pennsylvania And It Is Shocking



President Trump’s legal team has consistently promised the American public that they have substantial evidence of voter fraud in several key battleground states.

And on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, they had a chance to prove it in Pennsylvania. 

Under oath – and penalty of perjury- witnesses presented facts that would have even the biggest skeptic thinking the election results should be thrown out!

Here are just a few key takeaways from the hearings. (h/t to Greg Aselbekian’s very thorough Facebook post, here.)

In Pennsylvania…

-Officials received 700,000 more mail in ballots than sent

-At one point over a 90 minute span, 600,000 votes were counted for Biden, Trump….just 3,200

-A back room containing 70,000 unopened mail in ballots found in counting center in boxes of 500, after all mail in ballots were counted

-Votes were counted and recorded at an impossible rate

-the 2.5 million mail in ballot tally was wiped off the PA Secretary of State’s government website with no explanation

-30 USB drives were stolen and unaccounted for

-22,000 mail in ballots were returned the same day they were sent out

-Over 30,000 mail in ballots were received the following day

-Philadelphia Board of Elections processed thousands of uncertified ballots

-PA duplicated and counted ballots over several days

-USB’s were inserted into ballot boxes 24 times with no observers

There’s no doubt about it: this was a huge day for the Trump campaign and should remind voters that this election is far from over!

Justice will prevail and WE WILL WIN!

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