Righteousness Porn

BREAKING: Joe Biden’s New Comments On Mask-Wearing Make No Sense



Last week, the CDC announced that vaccinated people are no longer required to wear masks around other vaccinated people.

Many loyal followers of CDC guidelines have rebelled against the announcement, pledging to continue to wear masks even while vaccinated.

The whole thing has created an obvious split among vaccinated individuals: those who are ready to follow the science and the CDC guidelines versus those who are not.

On Monday, President Biden jumped in to defend those who would like to keep the masks on, saying “Let’s all be kind and respectful for one another as we come out of this pandemic and respect those who want to continue to wear a mask even if they’ve been vaccinated.”

This compassionate tone towards those who willfully disregard the latest guidelines is in stark contrast to how he approached those who opposed previously issued regulations.

Remember, he accused all Republicans of “neaderthal thinking” for lifting mask mandates earlier this year.

Now, the man is full of sympathy for CDC deniers!

“You know, some may say, ‘I just feel more comfortable continuing to wear a mask. They may feel that way. So, if you’re someone with a mask, please treat them with kindness and respect.”

He also told Americans who have not received the vaccine that they better get to it if they want their freedom back anytime soon.

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