Fake News

BREAKING: President Trump Destroys Fauci In New Fiery Statement



This week, the internet has completely exploded following a FOIA release of Dr. Fauci’s emails.

Every American who reads any of the 2,000 released documents now knows that Dr. Fauci has pretty much lied about everything important. He fibbed about the effectiveness of masks, the necessity of school closures, he intentionally ignored China’s involvement in creating the virus, and he even worked to cover up treatment options.

It’s bad news all around for Fauci.

President Trump is putting the final nail in Fauci’s coffin with a fiery statement that absolutely destroys the NIH director with a series of very important questions.

“There are a lot of questions that must be answered by Dr. Fauci. The funding of Wuhan by the U.S. was foolishly started by the Obama Administration in 2014 but ended under the Trump Administration. When I heard about it, I said “no way!” What did Dr. Fauci know about ‘gain of function’ research, and when did he know it?” the president wrote.

Fauci has yet to respond.

Read the full statement here:

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