Fake News

FAKE NEWS ALERT: No, Sotomayor Did Not Ask Gorsuch To Mask Up



The liberal liars media completely made up a story about how Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor asked Justice Neil Gorsuch to wear a mask for oral arguments and deliberations in chambers due to her pre-existing medical condition which puts her at higher risk of severe symptoms associated with COVID-19. The media claimed that Gorsuch refused her request and forced Sotomayor to have to virtually call in and not attend in-person for deliberations and decision making. 

Putting aside the ridiculous narrative that everyone should be accommodating the few when it comes to COVID-19, it turns out that the liberals actually 100% made the story up. 

In a joint statement today, Justices Sotomayor and Gorsuch stated that they were both surprised to see the story and that it was completely false and they are both good friends and happy colleagues. 

“Reporting that Justice Sotomayor asked Justice Gorsuch to wear a mask surprised us,” Gorsuch and Sotomayor said. “It is false. While we may sometimes disagree about the law, we are warm colleagues and friends.”

Instead of admitting they lied, an NPR reporter and colleague of the disputed report is doubling down and basically trying to imply that two sitting justices of the Supreme Court who are on opposite ideological sides are for some reason lying and somehow less credible than he is. 

At best, its clear that Nina Totenburg who authored the likely false report about the fictional dispute did not request comment from the justices before publishing and therefore did not verify his sources. So maybe David Gura should chill out and just admit NPR didn’t fact check their source.

The liberal check marks are desperately trying to spin the story and note that the article says that Chief Justice Robert’s actually requested the masks not Sotomayor but first of all: the implication that the masks were a request of Sotomayor is very present in the story. So a “thats not what a said” semantic rewrite is hardly within the bounds of the ethics journalists claim to have. Second of all, Justice Roberts also vehemently denies this. 

“I did not request Justice Gorsuch or any other Justice to wear a mask on the bench,” the chief justice said in a statement provided to The Hill.

So far NPR is refusing to retract the story and admit it is false even though three Justices of the Supreme Court all on opposite sides of the ideological aisle have corroborated the truth that the story was fictional. 

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