Trump Derangement Syndrome

BREAKING: Trump Sues Biden’s Corrupt DOJ! 



It’s official, Donald Trump has filed a lawsuit against Biden’s corrupt Department of Justice.

Following the FBI’s unprecedented raid on his home in Florida,  Trump’s lawyers are alleging “unreasonable search and seizure.” 

They want to prevent the Department of Justice from unmonitored access to the documents they stole from Trump’s estate. In order to do that, they’ve called for the appointment of a “’special master’ to determine what documents are relevant to the DOJ’s search. (A special master is supposed to be an unbiased, third party.)

His lawyers stated that “to date, the government has failed to legitimize its historic decision to raid the home of a President who had been fully cooperative.”

This lawsuit seems to confirm what many conservatives – and Trump himself – have suggested: The FBI used the raid as a fishing expedition. They’ve grabbed documents that were not relevant to their supposed cause related to the Espionage Act. 

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