Fake News

Gaffe Prone Biden Forgot Something Pretty Important This Week



Oh, Joe Biden, so forgetful!

This week, he even forgot his own grandkids!

On Thursday, he claimed to have only six grandchildren, conveniently forgetting about Hunter Biden’s love child, Navy Joan Roberts, whom he pays child support to. And to add insult to injury, Joe ignored the poor little girl during “Take Your Child to Work Day Greet” at the White House.

But it gets even better. During the same day, Biden told some kids outside the White House that he speaks to his grandchildren every day, even though only one of them answered the phone. Well, maybe if he acknowledged all of his grandkids, they would be more inclined to pick up the phone.

Joe Biden only remembered the names of his “legitimate” grandchildren, Naomi, Finnegan, Mazie, Natalie, the nameless “senior in high school,” and Beau Biden. What a convenient lapse of memory.

And as if that’s not enough, Hunter Biden’s lawyers filed a motion to prevent changing Navy Joan Roberts’ last name to Biden, claiming that it’s synonymous with success, education, and political power. Meanwhile, Hunter is trying to reduce his child support payments, which led to a legal dispute with Lunden Roberts, Navy Joan’s mother.

But now, Roberts is accusing Hunter Biden of ignoring a court order by withholding financial information, and she’s demanding that he be held in contempt and jailed until he complies. Who knows what juicy details could be in Hunter’s financial documents, like income from art sales or his involvement with a Chinese state-backed investment fund.

It’s just another day in the Biden family drama, and it’s a good thing we’re keeping track of it all.

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