Righteousness Porn

LOL! This Democrat Doesn’t CLEARLY Doesn’t Understand Irony



Maryland’s Democratic Governor, Wes Moore, recently expressed his disapproval of banning inappropriate books that promote transgender identities and sexual behavior in schools. During the weekend, he claimed that restricting certain highly sexualized and racist books from school libraries sends a message that children should not understand their own power.

Governor Moore further stated, “It’s castrating them,” implying that such restrictions have a debilitating effect. The irony lies in the left’s support for medical procedures, including gender reassignment surgeries, which can involve LITERAL castration. Does Wes know this???

Of course, Governor Moore also missed the real point. Conservatives have not advocated for an outright ban on these books but instead proposed relocating them to adult sections within libraries. By doing so, they aim to address concerns while allowing access to information. It is worth noting that some of these books actually discuss the topic of gender reassignment, highlighting the irony in Governor Moore’s statement.

Perhaps Governor Moore intended to use a different word, as the use of “castration” in this context seems more amusing than appropriate. Nevertheless, his dismissal of conservative viewpoints on harmful books in schools is predictably worrisome.

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