Fake News

BREAKING: You Won’t Believe The Media’s Latest BIG LIE



In a recent rally in Dayton, Ohio, former President Donald Trump made headlines with a statement that seemed to hint at dire consequences if he were not re-elected. However, a closer examination of the full context reveals a different story altogether.

During his 90-minute speech, Trump touched upon various topics, including the state of the auto manufacturing industry. His statement, “If I don’t get elected, it’s gonna be a bloodbath,” has been widely circulated by mainstream media outlets, portraying it as a veiled threat of violence should he lose the 2024 election. Yet, when one considers the entirety of his remarks, a different interpretation emerges.

Trump’s statement was part of a larger discussion about trade policies and specifically addressed the potential impact on the auto industry if certain measures were not implemented. He mentioned China’s plans to manufacture cars in Mexico and export them to the United States, proposing a 100% tariff on such imports if he were re-elected. It is within this economic context that he used the term “bloodbath,” suggesting a catastrophic outcome for the industry rather than a call to violence.

Raheem Kassam, commenting on the issue, highlighted that one common definition of “bloodbath” refers to a significant economic disaster, further supporting the interpretation that Trump’s statement was not meant as a threat of physical harm.

Despite the clear context provided by Trump’s full remarks, mainstream media outlets chose to cherry-pick a single line, presenting it in a sensationalized manner to fit their narrative. Politico’s headline, ‘Trump says country faces ‘bloodbath’ if Biden wins in November,’ and Nancy Pelosi’s reaction on CNN exemplify the deliberate misinterpretation of Trump’s words to paint him in a negative light.

The Joe Biden campaign even went as far as suggesting parallels to the January 6th events, further fueling the sensationalism surrounding Trump’s statement.

Fortunately, with the advent of alternative media platforms such as X and Rumble, individuals have access to alternative viewpoints and can quickly debunk misleading narratives. Elon Musk, among others, has utilized these platforms to share information that clarifies the context of Trump’s statement and exposes the falsehoods propagated by legacy media outlets.

In conclusion, the distortion of Trump’s words by mainstream media serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of selective reporting and sensationalism. It underscores the importance of seeking out diverse sources of information to arrive at a more nuanced understanding of complex issues, free from biased interpretations.

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