
Did Joe Biden forget which words were real in the 2020 Debate?



Did Joe Biden forget which words were real in the 2020 Debate? Or am I just an uneducated boob? Either could be true – you’ll have to tell me. 

In reviewing debate tape for the 4th or 5th time today I came across a moment during the “reveal your tax returns” ludacris exchange between President Trump and Chris Wallace where Vice President Biden tried to break in and say something snappy. Instead what I heard him say, in response to President Trump saying he would release his returns, was: 

“When? In Shala?” 

What is Shala? When is Shala? Who is Shala? Did he actually say something else that is a real word? Was he in need of immediate medical attention? Am I in need of immediate medical attention? Do I need to stop reviewing the debate tape? I need answers. Seriously hit me up on twitter if you know.

See if you can decode: 

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