
Here’s Why The Left Is Ridiculous For Going After Tiffany Trump



Recently Tiffany Trump headlined a Trump Pride event which was in honor of Trump supporters from the LGBT community (a massive group headed by the gay member of the presidential cabinet)

Tiffany, from what we know about her, is a decent and compassionate person who is a great role model for young women (lots of women her age, including me, enjoy nights out on the town). She graduated from Georgetown Law School in May of this year and has overcome immense public scrutiny in the midst of strenuous family dynamics to become a leader and a front facing member of America’s first family. We would all be so lucky to have the character of Tiffany Trump.

So when she appeared at a Trump Pride event – thereby publicly expressing her support for the LGBT community, which is something you’d think the left would celebrate – the liberal media grasped at any straw they could to make her look bad. God forbid the left celebrate a woman with good hair.

The blue check gate keepers of gayness apparently know Tiffany’s history and knowledge of an entire people

The liberal media and lefty “blue check marks” decided that Tiffany looked dorky when she was cheerfully celebrating with the crowd by doing a little dance (not unlike her father at a recent event). And as though making fun of her wasn’t enough – they decided that also Tiffany isn’t allowed to support the LGBT community because only people who believe in socialism are REAL gay rights supporters in their eyes.

In my opinion, Tiffany Trump did the right thing by showing up to an event celebrating the diverse community of LGBT Trump supporters. She looked great and enthusiastic and once again the left is just a bunch of haters. See her celebratory dance below: 

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