
LOL! GOP Presidential Candidate Asks “What’s a Uyghur?”



One man who thinks he’s presidential material recently displayed his lack of knowledge on an important global issue.

During a radio show, when asked about his stance on China, Miami Mayor Francis Suarez appeared clueless about the Uyghur ethnic group. In a conversation with talk radio host Hugh Hewitt, Suarez stumbled when questioned about the Uyghurs, as if their existence had completely escaped his awareness.

For those who don’t know – like Suarez – Uyghurs, are a Muslim minority in China’s Xinjiang province, hosted in internment camps, facing unimaginable torture, including physical and sexual abuse. The United States has (rightfully) labeled it a genocide.

Hewitt inquired if Suarez planned to address the Uyghur crisis in his campaign, to which Suarez replied, “The what?” Hewitt had to repeat the term “Uyghurs” to jolt Suarez’s memory, but even then, Suarez asked, “What’s a Uyghur?”

Hewitt himself expressed some sort of shock at the answer.

Suarez, who only recently announced his presidential bid on June 15, is entering a crowded field of Republican hopefuls. With his lack of basic knowledge on pressing global issues, one can only wonder what other surprises he has in store for us.

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