Fake News
CNN+ IS OVER! What Does President Trump Have To Say About It?

Just three weeks after its launch, CNN+ is ending its streaming service. I do not revel in the employees of CNN+ who have suddenly lost their jobs. But the blame lies with the willful arrogance of the leadership and stars at CNN who are sitting on ratings down an astounding 49% from 2021 (Fox News is up 21% from 2021 as a comparison) thinking that the very few people who watch them on cable would for some reason want to pay extra money to watch the same people talk about the same or even more boring things.
President Trump was ready for commentary on the failure of CNN (who have a record of intentionally biasing news against President Trump and conservatives) saying:
CNN+ never managed to crest 10,000 viewers per day which is crazy considering the absolutely THRILLING content they were offering to subscribers including news shows (somehow different from regular CNN) featuring BELOVED stars like Chris Wallace, Anderson Cooper, and Wolf Blitzer. Who on earth wouldn’t pay to watch a show about the books Jake Tapper is reading? Subscribers would even have the privilege to pay extra and get to ask their own questions to these TRUSTED EXPERTS!
The swift and humiliating dissolution of CNN+ is truly shocking considering all of these truly premier features for America’s least enjoyable uncle of cable news.
Goodbye CNN+. You will truly be missed by literally dozens of people.