Trump Takes On Crony Nevada Governor And Plans To Win

This week the Nevada Legislature called a special session (they normally meet only every other year) to deal with the financial catastrophe created by one of the worst Governors in the United States, Governor, Steve Sisolak, who shuttered businesses (including the gaming sector which is the lifeblood of the Las Vegas economy) for months despite Nevada being one of the lowest COVID rates in the nation. Despite the widely acknowledged efficacy of social distancing and masks – Governor Sisolak continues to force certain businesses (including Churches) to remain closed, deepening the hole in Nevada’s state budget.

Instead of dealing with their massive fiscal crisis, the democrat lead legislature took this opportunity to pass legislation for a mail-in election. Every registered voter would automatically get their ballot in the mail and be able to mail it back in. No one would check whether or not they were the ones who filled it out. No one would check whether or not that person still lived there.

Additionally- the bill extends the federally designated election day. Governor Sisolak and his progressive cronies seem to think they can delay the transition of peaceful power in our Country. This local Nevada publication has a decent breakdown of the bill’s major violations of the constitution.
President Trump immediately stepped in to right this wrong and has filed a lawsuit against the State for its egregious attempt to dismantle democracy. As President Trump pointed out on Twitter, these ballots would be sent back in before even the first Presidential Debate. Do voters not deserve to hear out their candidates before they’re asked to make a decision? Does this country’s democracy not matter more than the delivery of alcohol (which requires an ID to be sent by mail if its allowed to be sent by mail at all)?
The citizens of Nevada and the U.S. can only hope justice is served and an injunction is reached on this Nevada coup.