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Liberals Are Announcing Their Supreme Court Picks And The List Is Downright Terrifying (Hint: Hillary Clinton is on it)

While the plan to stack the court with progressive justices is scary enough on its own, it gets even worse when these out of touch libs get down to the specifics of who they actually want on their oversized bench.



It’s safe to say the confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett has wounded the left.

Before she was even sworn in, radical liberals like AOC and Ilhan Omar tweeted in support of expanding the Court — an idea Joe Biden himself refuses to rule out.

While the plan to stack the court with progressive justices is scary enough on its own, it gets even worse when these out of touch libs get down to the specifics of who they actually want on their oversized bench.

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough gave us a small preview of their intentions—after he was clearly way too offended by a joke— and honestly, it is truly terrifying.

But the horror movie of this Supreme Court list doesn’t end with Hillary.

Some Democrats have also floated the idea of nominating the failed FBI director James Comey, Elizabeth ‘Pocahontas’ Warren, Andrew Cuomo, and Barack Obama!

This makes it more clear than ever that Biden-Harris should NEVER get a chance to pack the court.