Fake News
OUCH! Fauci Facing The Consequences For Lying About COVID-19, Lab Leaks, And Masks
As reported earlier this week, professional liar Anthony Fauci was set to release a self-congratulating book later this year.
“Expect the Unexcepted: Ten Lessons on Truth, Service, and the Way Foward,” was listed on all major sellers for $18.
But then a FOAI request revealed what most skeptics always thought about Anthony Fauci: He’s a fraud.
Over 2,000 emails proved that Fauci was alerted that COVID-19 was an engineered virus created by China. He knew masks were not effective. He continued to circulate gain-of-function research in 2020, even though he dismissed that claim under oath, and repeatedly ignored evidence that the Wuhan lab leaked the virus.
Now, Amazon and Barnes & Noble have pulled the listing from their sites.

They claim, of course, that the book’s removal has nothing to do with the controversy (and potential criminal charges) Fauci is facing.
They say, instead, that “The book was prematurely posted for pre-sale, which is why it was taken down.”
SURE! We believe you.
The publisher also announced – also supposedly independent of the current controversy – that Fauci would NOT be receiving royalties for the book, if it does ever go to print.
“The book was developed by National Geographic Books in connection with an upcoming National Geographic Documentary Film about Dr. Fauci. He will not earn any royalties from its publication.”
Hit where it hurts. Right in the wallet. Same place Fauci hit millions of Americans when he closed down the economy for months despite knowing asymptomatic spread of the virus was hardly a concern.
Hate to see it!