Fake News
BREAKING: This “Pentagon Leaker” Story Feels Suspicious AF

The recent arrest of 21-year-old Air National Guardsman, Jack Teixeira, in connection with a leak of classified documents is raising suspicions among conservatives.
Since January, Teixeira leaked over 60 highly sensitive military documents to a small Discord social media group of roughly two dozen people, which went undetected until April when some of those documents were spread more widely on Telegram and Twitter. Teixeira, who has been an Air National Guardsman since 2019, had access to classified intelligence that was kept in a secure facility. However, the fact that a young service member had access to highly sensitive documents raises concerns about our national security systems.
The leaked documents included information that the U.S. and other NATO allies have troops on the ground in Ukraine, despite the Biden administration’s denials, and that the U.S. does not believe Ukraine is capable of winning the war. Additionally, the documents revealed that the U.S. spies on its allies’ communications and details of U.S. espionage and infiltration of Russian agencies. Attorney General Merrick Garland confirmed that Teixeira will be charged with the unauthorized removal of classified national defense information.
While some conservatives applaud the leak, arguing that it exposed the lies the Biden administration has been telling the American people about the war, others are skeptical. Teixeira needs to explain how he obtained the leaked information step by step because a cyber transport systems tech E-3 is not given access to sensitive information pertaining to NATO partners and Israel, even with a top-secret clearance. The media’s manhunt and the Washington Post’s intel mouthpiece Shane Harris of Russian bounties fame breaking the story also leads to questions about the narrative.
Moreover, the Biden administration’s response to the leak is concerning. NBC News is reporting that the administration is looking to expand how it monitors social media sites and chatrooms after failing to spot these leaked documents circulating online for weeks. This is a nice way of saying that the government is going to be spying on everything we say online even more aggressively than it used to.
Conservatives must remain vigilant in protecting our privacy and free speech rights as the government seeks to expand its surveillance capabilities.
This might just be another trap.