Clinton 2020? Hillary Says “Never Say Never”
The twice failed presidential hopeful and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is currently on a suspiciously timed booked tour, where she admitted she’s under “enormous pressure” to consider a 2020 White House bid but it’s “absolutely not” part of her plans right now.
Clearly hedging her bets, Clinton added “as I say, never, never, never say never.”

The former first lady went on to say that she thinks “all the time” about “what kind of president” she would’ve been had she actually traveled to Michigan, Wisconsin, or Ohio and didn’t insult half of the country with her “deplorable” comments that lead to an embarassing loss in 2016.
She claims she thinks deepy about “what I would’ve done differently, and what it would’ve meant to our country and to the world.”
“I feel a sense of responsibility partly because, you know, my name was on the ballot, I got more votes, but ended up losing to the current incumbent in the White House who I think is really undermining our democracy in very fundamental ways. I want to retire him.”
No word on whether or not President Trump’s campaign has been able to stop laughing since hearing this news.