This week, Dr. Michael Baden revealed the truth about Jeffrey Epstein and it confirmed all of our thoughts. Read more about it here.
Congressman Katie Hill, who no one had ever heard of before last week, resigned today. While the #FakeNews claims Katie resigned because of “revenge porn,” she...
This week, MSNBC hosted a panel to FACT CHECK President Donald Trump’s statement suggesting that al-Baghdadi died cowering, and whimpering like a dog – and it...
Elizabeth Warren is the current frontrunner of the Democrat primary and Corinne is excited for TWO reasons. Can SJWs be mad at a costume that enables...
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Having a cocktail and breaking down the free press fails.
We can’t hear each other, but we’re still here for you. Please WATCH BELOW! Thanks for watching!
Watch now or listen here! Be sure to subscribe! TRANSCRIPT: Corinne: All right. First pod-cast. Stephanie: Yeah, we’re ready. Corinne: (Laughs) I’m Corinne. Stephanie: I’m Steph....