Here’s Why Carly Fiorina is Fake News

When Carly Fiorina stepped on the debate stage in September of 2015, she shocked America by revealing the truth about what was taking place at Planned Parenthood.
In a clear, concise, and undeniably passionate monologue, Carly revealed the immoral and inhumane treatment of both women and babies. She didn’t shy away from the facts, talking about a tape that showed a 19-week, “fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking.” She further stated the horrendous reality, “while someone says, “‘We have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.’”
She dared Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to watch the video. She dare the entire country to watch it.

She didn’t just encourage pro-life voters, she boldly demanded an end to abortion and the complete dismantling of Planned Parenthood.
Throughout the 2016 election cycle, Carly repeated the horrors committed by the taxpayer funded slaughterhouse.
As the battle for the Republican nomination between Ted Cruz and Donald Trump reached its peak, Fiorina landed herself a place on the hypothetical Cruz ticket as his Vice Presidential pick.
In the months leading up to Trump victory, Fiorina continued with her pro-life, anti-Planned Parenthood stomp speeches across the county, stating over and over again that “Our nation’s character is at stake.”
That was just 4 years ago.
Though Carly Fiorina made it very clear she had no intention to vote for President Trump in 2016, the legacy of her strong pro-life campaign carried plenty of redemption points with conservatives like me.
Today, Carly cashed in all of those points when she endorsed former Vice President Biden for President.
Joe Biden’s record on abortion is clear. It’s so clear, in fact, that Carly’s favorite foe, Planned Parenthood, endorsed him immediately following his primary victory this year.
It’s an interesting contrast to the stance presented by the Fiorina campaign in 2016.

Fiorina told the Atlantic that she struggled with the decision of who to vote for this year, and whether or not she should go public with it. Eventually, she decided in favor of sharing her endorsement.
She defended her choice, saying, “as citizens, our vote is more than a check on a box. You know, it’s a statement about where we want to go, and I think what we need now actually is real leadership that can unify the country. I am encouraged that Joe Biden is a person of humility and empathy and character. I think he’s demonstrated that through his life. And I think we need humility and empathy everywhere in public life right now. And I think character counts.”
While that’s a perfectly fine opinion to have, one thing is clear: that empathy that Firoina sees in Joe Biden is NOT empathy for the unborn.
Since recieving the endorsement on Planned Parenthood, Biden has promised to work with abortion activists to appoint pro-abortion judges, repeal taxpayer protections that prevent your money from directly funding abortion, and said he wants to increase federal funding for abortion clinics.
That’s a far cry from the dismantling of the immoral and unlawful organization that Carly demanded previously.
It’s common knowledge that President Trump is not a favorite among the political elite – including Fiorina – but his record on life is strong: he’s appointed conservative judges, he’s cracked down on federal contributions to abortion providers, and he’s been vocal in the movement to defend life. Planned Parenthood’s president has even claimed “we can’t endure another four years of Trump; we have to do everything we can to get him out of office.”
It would seem a candidate with Trump’s record would fall completely in line with the message Fiorina sent voters in 2016. The fact that the record isn’t enough suggests that Carly thinks that the personal issues she has with President Trump’s personality are a bigger threat to the nation than the murder of millions of innocent babies per year.

For many pro-lifers it’s difficult to reconcile that level of pettiness with Carly’s seemingly genuine fight for babies in 2016.
How do you truly confront the reality that Planned Parenthood rips apart the bodies of tiny little kicking babies, and then side with them 4 years later?
Easy answer: you don’t.
Now, those of us who do actually believe in Carly’s frequently repeated phrase – that “our nation’s character is at stake” in the battle against abortion – are forced to acknowledge that her fight for life was nothing but fake news.